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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1601
A) was England’s first attempt at having social welfare legislation
B) was an evolution of legal acts in a series of previous acts
C) was a single yet complex piece of legislation that stipulated how the poor were to be
D) governed feudalism until the Middle Ages when mass urbanization rendered the
legislation unnecessary
2) According to Hare (2004), the social work profession has only recently become concerned with
A) the plight of the working class poor
B) community (macro) practice
C) principles of human rights and social justice
D) individual (micro) practice
3) By 1999 the life expectancy in the United States increased to about
A) 67 years B) 87 years C) 97 years D) 77 years
4) When considering the normative nature of adolescent behavior, one must keep what contexts in
A) historical, cultural, contemporary B) cultural socioeconomic, contemporary
C) historical, cultural, regional D) cultural, regional, socioeconomic
5) The Microsystem includes
A) individuals B) groups C) family D) communities
6) According to the text, if communities have a shortage of social workers in some cases, licensing
boards may permit
A) larger caseloads than typically permitted by legal mandate
B) increased funding incentives to recruit more social workers to the area
C) paraprofessionals to do the work of licensed social workers
D) the lessening of education levels and the lowering of licensing requirements
7) Maslow believed that people are motivated to get what needs met before others?
A) their need to self-actualize B) their self-esteem needs
C) their most basic physiological needs D) their need for stability and security
8) Of chief concern among school districts that were the first to use school social workers was
A) child “maladjustment” B) students with erratic school attendance
C) child “handicaps” D) all of the above
9) According to the text, systematically referring Caucasian families for family preservation
programs while removing African American children with similar family issues from the home
is an example of
A) racial partiality B) indiscriminate case management
C) racial bias D) disparity in service provision
10) Addams’s influence on American social policy was significant, in that it
A) recognized the need for social change within society
B) removed barriers to upward mobility and optimal functioning
C) represented a shift away from the fatalistic and metaphysical philosophies of social
D) all of the above
TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.
11) Among Piaget’s many findings is his discovery that children, adolescents, and adults each think
differently. Most notably, Piaget discovered that younger children think abstractly, and
adolescents and adults think more concretely
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
12) Approximately 27 percent of the U S adult population suffers from some diagnosable mental
disorder, most of which
A) affect Caucasian women
B) are relatively serious requiring formal psychological intervention
C) are serious enough to require at least short-term hospitalization
D) are relatively minor not requiring formal psychological intervention
13) Ageism is defined as
A) “a systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people simply because they are
B) “a systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people of color and women who
are older”
C) “a systematic stereotyping of people simply because they are old”
D) “the discrimination against people through action simply because they are old”
14) A chief complaint of many in the social work field is the mental health community’s general
tendency to approach mental illness from a(n) ________ perspective
A) male B) pathological
C) secular D) individualistic
15) The passage of the Community Mental Health Centers Act (CMHC) started
A) the deinstitutionalization movement into motion
B) increasing the amount of the time patients remained in psychiatric hospitalization
C) the HMO trend
D) both A and B
16) Researchers suggest that the reason why African American adolescents were more commonly
diagnosed with conduct disorders, whereas Caucasian adolescents more often received a
diagnosis of depression was because
A) of cultural differences and misperceptions
B) overt racism among mental health providers
C) African American youth were socialized to “act out” their feelings, whereas Caucasian
adolescents were socialized to internalize their feelings
D) African American adolescents, particularly males, exhibited more violent behaviors than
did Caucasian adolescents
17) The Mindfulness movement (also called Contemplative practice) is based on a belief that
A) developing an ability to consider future consequences of one’s behavior promotes
resilience in relating to life’s obstacles as well as healing, love, and compassion
B) a connection with an undefined deity promotes resilience in relating to life’s obstacles as
well as healing, love, and compassion
C) developing a sense of awareness of and presence in one’s daily life promotes higher levels
of self-esteem
D) developing a sense of awareness of and presence in one’s daily life promotes resilience in
relating to life’s obstacles as well as healing, love, and compassion
18) Reason(s) why certain ethnic minority groups are underserved in mental health centers may
include all but which of the following
A) minority groups who reside in remote areas
B) cultural rejection of psychotherapy
C) lack of need
D) the complexity of issues facing the populations served
19) The advocacy organization Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN) conducted
a national survey of LGBTQ students on their experiences with all but which of the following
A) feeling unsafe in school because of personal characteristics, such as sexual orientation,
gender expression, or race/ethnicity
B) experiences of harassment and assault in school
C) missing classes or days of school because of feelings of depression or apathy
D) hearing biased and homophobic remarks in school
20) Which of the following populations are overrepresented in the foster care system
A) Hispanics B) adolescents
C) Caucasians D) African Americans
21) Successful aging is defined as
A) remaining physically active throughout one’s lifespan
B) appearing significantly younger than one’s chronological age
C) remaining viable in the workforce past traditional retirement age
D) adding years to one’s life and getting the most out of living
22) Religiousness is commonly defined as , whereas spirituality is often defined as
A) the experience of having an independent relationship with a deity, involving a search for
the sacred-a process that involves seeking out that which is considered holy or the
divine/as having a social or cultural experience grounded in traditional religion
B) as having a social or cultural experience grounded in traditional religion/the experience
of having an independent relationship with a deity, involving a search for the sacred-a
process that involves seeking out that which is considered holy or the divine
C) a personal faith expressed within the structure of religious tradition/faith in general
spirituality without a deity
D) adherence to a traditional religious faith/an intense feeling of religious faith
23) Tornstam’s theory of gerotranscendence posits that
A) as people age they transcend above a focus on altruism and move toward more
B) as people progress through old-old age, they transcend above the material world toward
a more existential approach to the world
C) as people age they increasing develop an externalizing perspective, where they are
focusing outward toward the world, rather than more internally
D) the old-old become increasing attached to their material belongings thus need to be
encouraged transcend above the material world toward a more existential place
24) Typical “treatment” in asylums, almshouses and even in the new state hospital system included
among other things
A) talk therapy B) drugs
C) beating with chains and rods D) group therapy
25) Early in human history mental illness was commonly believed to be caused by
A) demonic possession B) alcoholism
C) rebellion D) remaining unmarried
26) The fastest growing segment of the homeless population are
A) young adults B) children C) the elderly D) veterans
27) The Mesosystem (or Mezzosystem) includes
A) groups, neighborhoods and schools
B) the broader culture
C) international forces, such as the economy and globalization
D) the individual
28) According to Pinterits, Poteat, & Spanierman (2009) white privilege is defined as
A) “The benefit received in society by the top 1% in Western society”
B) “Unearned advantages of being white in a racially stratified society” and “an expression of
institutionalized power”
C) “The advantage granted to members of Western society who are second generation or
sooner, Caucasian, and upper income”
D) “Advantages granted to Euro-Americans living in the United States”
29) There has been a recent surge in interest in developing social services programs within mosques
and Islamic centers across the United States in response to growing concerns about
A) Muslim marriages
B) the general hostility often expressed toward the Muslim community in the
post-September 11 climate
C) the dramatic increase in conversions to the Muslim faith
D) both A and B
30) The most recent reauthorization of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as the
HEARTH Act expanded the definition of homelessness by including all but which of the
following those
A) living in a hotel or motel but who cannot remain there for more than 14 days because of
lack of resources
B) living in shared homes because they were evicted and forced by court order to move out
within 14 days
C) living in hospitals, hospices and short-term residential facilities
D) on the verge of losing their homes (whether rented or owned)
31) According to the study conducted by Rutter and Behrendt (2004) adolescents who were at the
greatest risk for committing suicide
A) internalized their feelings of low self-esteem
B) had little to no social support
C) were plagued by feelings of hopelessness, had little to no social support, had feelings of
hostility, and had a negative self- concept
D) often felt hostile
32) According to the study conducted by Bowling and Iliffe (2011) what is the most important factor
in ensuring good quality of life in later years?
A) self reflection B) part-time employment
C) close family relationships D) psychological health
33) The need for international relief work is increasing as the occurrence of global natural disasters
is increasing, in large part because of
A) political instability and a spike in civil war
B) a decline in humanitarian funding for natural disasters that has increased secondary crises
C) changing weather patterns caused by global climate change
D) increased access to previously remote areas
34) Which term implies the broad and varied knowledge base of the social work profession?
A) Freudian B) specialty C) eclectic D) generalist
35) Under the Poor Laws of England vagrants were treated
A) as if they were mentally ill
B) as if they were criminals
C) primarily by the church, which housed the majority of vagrants in monasteries
D) with great compassion since it was widely understood that life in the city was harsh
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