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A Comprehensive Solution Manual for Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, 5/E •
I. Background
1. Introduction to Databases
2. Database Environment
3. Database Architectures and the Web
II. The Relational Model and Languages
4. The Relational model
5. Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
6. SQL: Data Manipulation
7. SQL: Data Definition
8. Query-By-Example (QBE)
III. Database Analysis and Design
9. Database System Lifecycle
10. Database Analysis and the DreamHome Case Study
11. Entity–Relationship Modeling
12. Enhanced Entity–Relationship Modeling
13. Normalization
14. Advanced Normalization
IV. Methodology
15. Methodology—Conceptual Database Design
16. Methodology—Logical Database Design for Relational Model
17. Methodology—Physical Database Design for Relational Databases
18. Methodology—Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System
V. Selected Database Issues
19. Security and Administration
20. Professional, Legal, and Ethical Issues
21. Transaction Management
22. Query Processing
VI. Distributed DBMSs and Replication
23. Distributed DBMSs—Concepts and Design
24. Distributed DBMSs—Advanced Concepts
25. Replication and Mobile Databases
VII. Object DBMSs
26. Object-Oriented DBMSs—Concepts and Design
27. Object-Oriented DBMSs—Standards and Languages
28. Object-Relational DBMSs
VIII. Web and DBMSs
29. Web Technology and DBMSs
30. Semistructured Data and XML
IX. Business Intelligence Technologies
31. Data Warehousing Concepts
32. Data Warehousing Design
33. OLAP
34. Data Mining
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