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A Descriptive Test Bank for Language Development: An Introduction, 8/E By Robert E. Owens, Jr., College of St. Rose
Chapter 1: The Territory
Chapter 2: Describing Language
Chapter 3: Neurological Bases of Speech and Language
Chapter 4: Cognitive, Perceptual, and Motor Bases of Early Language and Speech
Chapter 5: The Social and Communicative Bases of Early Language and Speech
Chapter 6: Language-Learning and Teaching Processes and Young Children
Chapter 7: A First Word and Word Combinations in Toddler Talk
Chapter 8: Preschool Pragmatic and Semantic Development
Chapter 9: Preschool Development of Language Form
Chapter 10: Early School-Age Language Development
Chapter 11: School-Age Literacy Development
Chapter 12: Adolescent and Adult Language
Appendix A: American English Speech Sounds
Appendix B: major Racial and Ethnic Dialects of American English
Appendix C: Development Summary
Appendix D: Computing MLU
Appendix E: Background Grammar
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