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Test Bank for Ethical and Legal Issues in Canadian Nursing, 4th Edition, Margaret Keatings, Adams Pamela
Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to the Ethics and the Law: A Perspective for Nurses
2. Ethical Theories: Their Meaning for Nursing
3. Guiding Ethical Decision Making: Resources for Nurses
4. The Canadian Legal System
5. Regulation of the Nursing Profession
6. Informed Consent: Rights and Obligations
7. The Nurse’s Legal Accountabilities: Professional Competence, Misconduct, Malpractice, and Nursing Documentation
8. Complexity at the End of Life: The Ethical and Legal Challenges
9. Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Advancing Science and Technology
10. Safeguarding Patient Rights
11. Perspectives on the Rights of Nurses
12. Ethical Issues in Leadership, the Organization, and Approaches to the Delivery of Care
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