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Cha te
p r 1: Understanding Communication Concepts in the Internet Age
1. The invention of writing was the first great communication revolution for our
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 2
2. Telephones, books, films and newspapers are all instruments of mass
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 13
3. The concept of leadership involves coping with change.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 3
4. The concept of management involves coping with complexity.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 3
5. atements that describe and explain what events or factors bring
cause sort of consequences.
Theories are st
about, result in, or
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 4
6. alism were organized over the 20th century with two goals: 1) to
ce for media and 2) to learn how to persuade an audience.
Schools of journ
prepare a workfor
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 4
7. The Magic Bullet Theory has been proven true.
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 10
8. unication is interpersonal communication aided by sophisticated
that conquers both time and distance.
Mediated comm
media technology
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 7
9. Media are devices that bring messages quickly from communicators to multitudes.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 7
10. Language is a learned system, shared by members of a culture, of verbal and
nonverbal symbols that have accumulated and grown increasingly complex over
nswer: TRUE
age Reference: 7
11. ages decode by constructing their own interpretations of the
eanings of symbols.
Senders of mess
conventionalized m
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 8
12. Receivers of messages always are influenced in some way by the messages they
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 8
13. People rarely communicate in linear fashion; most communication in transactional
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 9
14. on the clear transmission of information; the more interference with
ss accurate it will become.
Accuracy relies
the message, the le
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 9
15. Ongoing feedback helps ensure increased accuracy.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 11
16. mmunicators decide the nature and goals of a message to presented
eir particular medium.
Professional co
to an audience via th
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 12
17. Introducing a medium into the process of human communication never affects the
Answer: FALSE
Page Reference: 14
18. sage has an influence on an audience depends on how well it is
accurate it is.
Whether a mes
understood and how
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 15
19. Aggregated audiences are those that are comprised of many distinct parts.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 16
20. The media in the United States operate to make money for their owners.
Answer: TRUE
Page Reference: 17
Mul le tip Ch ce
1. The ev ech and complex languages among humans began:
d elopment of spe
a. About 2500 BC
and 35,000
C and 500 AD
b. Between 90,000 BC
c. Between 3000
d. About 1475 AD
Page Reference: 2
2. Studying media strategically means understanding how to cope with change and
complexity. What two terms, borrowed from business, describe these coping
mec n ha isms?
a. Leadership and Management.
b. Management and Critical Thinking.
nd Strategic Thinking
ing and Leadership.
c. Management a
d. Strategic Think
Page Reference: 3
3. Jour ali
prep re
n sm schools in the twentieth century were organized with two goals: 1) to
a a work force for media and:
a. 2) to teach professional communicators how to persuade audiences.
b. 2) to provide general knowledge and understanding of med
mmunication effects.
ia and what
they do.
ools for understanding co
ell?educated workforce.
c. 2) to provide t
d. 2) to create a w
Page Reference: 4
4. The ibe and explain the events or factors that
brin ab
ories, which are statements that descr
g out, result in, or cause certain consequences, are used to:
a. Explain why certain effects occur.
b. Uncover possible causal connections between prior conditions and their
c. Predict what effects should be observable if the prior conditions do actually
cause the consequences.
d. Do everything noted in the other three statements.
Page Reference: 4?5
5. Which of the following broad questions are discussed by mass communication
researchers from an historical perspective?
a. How were our present media shaped by the events, policies, and
characteristics of society?
b. How will the Internet change the course of future media industry
c. How do contemporary news work through issues of digitization
and news practice?
ions and forecasts can we make about what magazines will
d. What assumpt
offer in the fut
Page Reference: 6
6. Who la most significant role in shaping the reality of communication and our
capa ity
p ys the
c to use and benefit from it?
a. Media
b. Professional organizations
c. People
d. Machines
Page Reference: 6
7. Wha is term for devices that bring messages quickly from
communicators to multitudes?
t the general
a. Televisions
b. Newspapers
c. Media
d. Telephones
Page Reference: 7
8. Inte er rp sonal communication takes place between:
a. Computers and users
b. Professional communicators and audiences
c. Two people
d. A person and a
Page Reference: 7
9. Lan ag gu e is defined as:
a. An intrinsic system of meaning acquired at birth.
b. A learned system, shared by members of a culture, of verbal and
nonverbal symbols that have accumulated and grown increasingly
nonverbal communication.
complex over time.
em of symbolic exchange using
e common to the first humans.
c. A cultural syst
d. A trade practic
Page Reference: 7
10. Cult e ur may be defined as:
a. Either low?brow or high?brow, with little variance in classification.
b. A set of shared beliefs, values and customs transmitted from
generation to generation among communities.
c. An intrinsic system of meaning acquired at birth.
m of verbal and nonverbal symbols that have accumulated
reasingly complex over time.
d. A learned syste
and grown inc
Page Reference: 7
11. A sy b m ol is:
a. Any object used to stand for something else.
b. A coded message intended for delivery to a specific receiver.
c. A word, an action or an object that “stand
eople within a given langua
e in early American villages.
s for” and arouses internal
meanings in p ge community.
. An item of trad
age Reference: 7
12. Whi o ch f the following is considered a “model” of human communication?
a. Shannon and Weaver’s basic linear approach.
b. The Magic Bullet Theory.
of cultural hierarchy.
c. The cultural ap
d. Strand’s notion
Page Reference: 8
13. In a linear model of communication, what are the key stages?
a. Sender encodes and transmits; receiver attends to, perceives the
information, and decodes the message; receiver is influenced in some
b. Communicator encodes; receivers decode; no influence is felt.
s and transmits; receiver decodes; no influence is felt.
truct and encode; senders decode; influence is always felt.
c. Sender encode
d. Receivers cons
Page Reference: 8
14. Whi o ch f the following can be construed as “noise” in the Shannon & Weaver model?
a. Loud bangs from the hallway outside of class.
b. Cultural differences in interpreting the symbolic meanings of langua
c. Use of Facebook on a laptop in the classroom while the instructor is
d. Everything on this list could be interpreted as “noise.”
Page Reference: 8
15. The um h an conversations we engage in with people around us are considered:
a. Linear
b. Transact
c. Cultural excha
d. Circular
Page Reference: 9
16. The accuracy principle states that:
a. The lower the level of correspondence between the intended meanings
of the sender and the interpreted meanings of the receiver, the less
effective an act of communication will be in achieving either mutual
understanding or an intended audience.
b. If ongoing and immediate feedback is provided by the receiver, accuracy will
be increased. That is, the intended meanings of the communicator have a
better chance of being similar to those constructed by the receiver.
c. In communication situations where the sender can engage in sensitive role
taking, accuracy is increased.
d. Meanings intended by the sender more closely match those constructed by
the receiver.
Page Reference: 10?11
17. The e fe dback principle states that:
a. The lower the level of correspondence between the intended meanings of
the sender and the interpreted meanings of the receiver, the less effective an
act of communication will be in achieving either mutual understanding or an
intended audience.
b. If ongoing and immediate feedback is provided by the receiver,
accuracy will be increased. That is, the intended meanings of the
communicator have a better chance of being similar to those
constructed by the receiver.
c. In communication situations where the sender can engage in sensitive role
taking, accuracy is increased.
d. Meanings intended by the sender more closely match those constructed by
the receiver.
Page Reference: 11
18. The le ro ?taking principle states that:
a. The lower the level of correspondence between the intended meanings of
the sender and the interpreted meanings of the receiver, the less effective an
act of communication will be in achieving either mutual understanding or an
intended audience.
b. If ongoing and immediate feedback is provided by the receiver, accuracy will
be increased. That is, the intended meanings of the communicator have a
better chance of being similar to those constructed by the receiver.
c. In communication situations where the sender can engage in sensitive
role taking, accuracy is increased. Meanings intended by the sender
more closely match those constructed by the receiver.
eanings are encoded by production specialists such as a
company, a magazine staff, or a digital media team.
d. The intended m
news team, a film
Page Reference: 11
19. Patterned physical signals corresponding to messages are considered to be:
a. Symbols
b. Language
c. Information
d. Syntax
Page Reference: 12
20. Professional communicators decide:
a. The nature and goals of a message to be presented to an audience via
their particular medium.
b. The nature of and meaning of human communication language, symbols and
c. The ability of an audience to perceive complex messages.
d. The ability of an audience to perceive trends the communicators deem
Page Reference: 12
21. Wh o ich f the following are considered mass media devices?
a. Telephones
b. IM services
c. Fax machines
d. Newspapers
Page Reference: 13
22. Major mass media include:
lectronic media.
a. Publishing, film, and e
b. Telephones, telegraphs, and
, film.
pers, email.
c. Fax machines, IM
d. Texting, newspa
Page Reference: 14
23. Face to – ?face and mass communication differ in that:
io audience.
a. Face?to?face communication requires the use of a media devi
b. Mass communication requires the physical presence of a stud
c. Face?to?face communication involves some sort of audience.
d. Mass communi
addresses a lar
cation depends on mechanical or electronic media and
ge, diverse audience.
Page Reference: 14
24. With any mediated communication suffers from two consequences: 1) the loss of
dire a ct nd immediate feedback and:
a. 2) limitation on effective roletaking.
b. 2) limitation on effective decoding.
effective reception.
electronic availability.
c. 2) limitation on
d. 2) limitation on
Page Reference: 14
25. Professional communicators often assume that the majority of their audiences:
a. Have limited attention spans, prefer to be entertained rather than
enlightened, and quickly lose interest in any subject that makes
intellectual demands.
b. Have limited attention spans, prefer to be enlightened rather than
entertained, and enjoy subjects with intellectual demands.
c. Have expanded attention spans, prefer to be entertained rather tha
enlightened, and lose interest in subjects with little or no intellectual me
ention spans, prefer to be enlightened rather than
lose interest in subjects without intellectual demands.
d. Have limited att
entertained, and
Page Reference: 16
1. What is the linear model of communication? Be sure to identify all stages of the
model in your answer.
2. What are the primary criticisms of contemporary media?
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